This is an example using multiple files. Two test suites are defined and a main program - test application - that contains the test runner.
// File complex.hpp
// Class to be tested. A simple complex class acts as an example.
class complex {
double Real;
double Imag;
complex() : Real(0), Imag(0) {}
complex(double real, double imag) : Real(real), Imag(imag) {}
complex operator+=(complex rhs) {
Real += rhs.Real;
Imag += rhs.Imag;
complex operator+(complex rhs) {
complex result(*this);
result += rhs;
return result;
complex operator-=(complex rhs) {
Real -= rhs.Real;
Imag -= rhs.Imag;
complex operator-(complex rhs) {
complex result(*this);
result -= rhs;
return result;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &output, complex &c) {
output << "(" << c.Real << ", " << c.Imag << ")";
return output;
// File test_complex.hpp
#include "complex.hpp"
using wide::unittest::test_suite;
class test_arithmetic : public test_suite<test_arithmetic> {
test_arithmetic() :
test_suite("Test arithmetic operators of complex class.") {
stage(&test_arithmetic::test_add_assign, "Test operator+=()");
stage(&test_arithmetic::test_add, "Test operator+()");
stage(&test_arithmetic::test_sub_assign, "Test operator-=()");
stage(&test_arithmetic::test_sub, "Test operator-()");
complex Complex1;
complex Complex2;
void test_setup() {
Complex1 = complex(1.0, 2.0);
Complex2 = complex(3.0, 4.0);
void test_add_assign() {
complex result(Complex1);
result += Complex2;
Verify(result.Real, Is.CloseTo(4.0));
Verify(result.Imag, Is.CloseTo(6.0));
void test_add() {
complex result = Complex1 + Complex2;
Verify(result.Real, Is.CloseTo(4.0));
Verify(result.Imag, Is.CloseTo(6.0));
void test_sub_assign() {
complex result(Complex1);
result -= Complex2;
Verify(result.Real, Is.CloseTo(-2.0));
Verify(result.Imag, Is.CloseTo(-2.0));
void test_sub() {
complex result = Complex1 - Complex2;
Verify(result.Real, Is.CloseTo(-2.0));
Verify(result.Imag, Is.CloseTo(-2.0));
class test_stream_integration : public test_suite<test_stream_integration> {
test_stream_integration() :
test_suite("Test complex class stream integration.") {
stage(&test_stream_integration::test_output, "Test stream output operator<<");
complex Complex;
void test_setup() {
Complex = complex(1.0, 2.0);
void test_output() {
// Make this test fail on purpose to show fail log.
std::stringstream complexString;
complexString << Complex;
Verify(complexString.str(), Is.EqualTo("1.0 + 2.0j"));
// File test_complex.cpp
#include "test_complex.hpp"
using namespace wide::unittest;
int main() {
test_runner tester;
int failCount = tester.run_all();
return failCount;
The output will be:
Test complex class stream integration.
Test stream output operator<<... FAIL
Tests: 1, Failed: 1, Errors: 0
Test arithmetic operators of complex class.
Test operator+=()... pass
Test operator+()... pass
Test operator-=()... pass
Test operator-()... pass
Tests: 4, Failed: 0, Errors: 0
Suite: Test complex class stream integration.
Test: Test stream output operator<<
File: example/unittest/example-02/test_complex.hpp line 72
Invalid value.
Value: (1, 2)
Constraint: 1.0 + 2.0j
Suites: 2, Tests: 5, Failed 1, Errors: 0